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TO:        Federal Bureau of Investigation

FROM:   Unknown (Encrypted, 0044.53555773)

RE:        Forrest City Serial Killer Investigation


I have information that may aid in your investigation. Use this information wisely.

A credible witness named James Hunter has now stated that he was a neighbor

of the serial killer's second victim. He heard a gunshot from her apartment on the night

of her death at 7:15 pm.

Johnny Crews told the FBI about one of his regular clients who went on a date with

Kendra Blyden. Crews was their limousine driver and provided an account of the 

evening.  The client was Rod MacKenzie.

Angel Lopez teaching an evening yoga class at Big Mike's Gym every night.  She

teaches only one evening class.  This express yoga class is from 7:00 to 7:30 pm.


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